У Чорноморську пройде презентація книги "Вони могли стати твоїми друзями, а стали - ангелами"
Жителів Чорноморська запрошують на презентацію нової книги місцевої авторки Олени Боровської "Вони могли стати твоїми друзями, а стали - АНГЕЛАМИ". Подробиці повідомили у міській раді.
Ця книга про дітей і для дітей. Вона присвячена війні, яка, на жаль, ще й досі триває – ми всі разом йдемо до нашої спільної Перемоги!

Ця війна пробудила в душах українців нездолане бажання дати міцну відсіч ницому нападнику і ділом, і словом.

Зустріч відбудеться у п’ятницю, 17 березня, о 16.00 у читацькій залі Центральної міської бібліотеки ім. І. Рядченка.

Нагадаємо, першу книжку «Фантастична Жінка» Олена Боровська, завідуюча дитячим садочком №11 представила читачам два роки тому.

Підписуйся на "ЧІС" у Facebook, Telegram та Instagram, щоб бути в курсі головних подій Чорноморська.
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31 липня 2024 09:30
Fast-track your professional growth with Wiculty’s premier DevOps certification course.
This expertly designed program merges in-depth theoretical understanding with hands-on practice, covering essential DevOps concepts like continuous integration, automated deployments, and infrastructure management. Dive into real-world projects and gain proficiency with leading tools such as Puppet, Git, Jenkins, Maven, Docker, Ansible, and Kubernetes. Our program also offers unparalleled career support, including tailored resume development, focused interview preparation, and exclusive networking events. Elevate your career with Wiculty’s top-tier DevOps training.
31 липня 2024 09:31
Unlock exciting career possibilities with Wiculty’s premier DevOps certification course.
Our advanced program seamlessly integrates comprehensive theoretical knowledge with practical, hands-on training, emphasizing core DevOps strategies like continuous integration, automated deployments, and effective infrastructure management. Engage in immersive projects and benefit from insights shared by industry-leading experts. Take advantage of our personalized career support services, including bespoke resume creation, targeted interview coaching, and exclusive networking opportunities with influential tech leaders. Propel your professional journey and achieve excellence in DevOps with Wiculty’s distinguished training program.
31 липня 2024 09:32
Redefine your career trajectory with Wiculty’s innovative DevOps certification course in Jayanagar, Bangalore.
Our transformative program integrates comprehensive theoretical learning with practical, hands-on training, emphasizing core DevOps principles such as continuous integration, automated deployment, and advanced infrastructure management. Engage in practical, real-world projects and develop expertise with leading tools like Puppet, Git, Jenkins, Maven, Docker, Ansible, Kubernetes, Nagios, Terraform, and DevSecOps. Whether you're starting out or seeking to advance your skills, our course is crafted to enhance your abilities and drive your career forward. Launch your path to professional excellence with Wiculty’s premier training today.
31 липня 2024 09:33
Step into the forefront of IT advancement with Wiculty’s cutting-edge DevOps certification program.
Our course offers a unique blend of theoretical foundations and practical experience, emphasizing crucial DevOps methodologies such as continuous integration, automation, and sophisticated infrastructure management. Engage in dynamic, real-world projects and become proficient with essential tools like Puppet, Git, Jenkins, Maven, Docker, Ansible, Kubernetes, Nagios, Terraform, and DevSecOps. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned professionals, this program is tailored to enhance your skills and accelerate your career growth. Begin your journey toward IT mastery with Wiculty’s groundbreaking DevOps training.
31 липня 2024 09:34
Embark on a career-defining journey with Wiculty’s premier DevOps certification program in Bangalore.
Our award-winning course offers a seamless integration of advanced theoretical insights and hands-on practice, covering essential DevOps techniques such as continuous integration, automated deployment, and streamlined infrastructure management. Engage in transformative, real-world projects and gain expertise with crucial industry tools. Connect with a vibrant professional network and take advantage of our exclusive career support services to propel your career forward. Stand out in the tech world and embrace the future of IT with Wiculty’s top-rated DevOps training.